Film: Best Of 2010

I know, I know, it's been ages since I've posted anything on this blog. My excuse is that I'm trying to juggle a few other writing projects at the moment, but I couldn't let the first fortnight of 2011 go by without my traditional look back at the previous year's film releases. Sadly, I have to say that 2010 was an appalling year as far as cinema attendance was concerned. I suppose the main reason for this is that the recession made its presence felt in the world of film distribution, with the result that non-London independent cinemas either didn't manage to obtain any prints of minority releases or were forced to show less populist fare at impractical times. Therefore, instead of presenting you with a Top 5, I think I'll have to restrict myself to choosing just 3 favourite films from the last twelve months. Here they are, in the order in which they were seen:

Lourdes [dir. Jessica Hausner]
A deceptively simple examination of a pilgrimage to one of the most important religious sites in the world, with gentle, relaxed performances, cheeky wit and at least one superb Catholic joke.

The Social Network [dir. David Fincher]
I can't stand Facebook and this film reminded me why. Stylish, intelligent and masterfully put-together, it attempts to make us re-consider the ways in which we're damaging the quality of our interaction with other human beings.

Of Gods And Men [dir. Xavier Beauvois]
Based on the true story of the French monks who were murdered in Algeria in the 90s, this is an almost unbearably moving portrait of the power of faith in all its most beautiful and most destructive forms. Buy it on DVD if only to watch the transcendent Swan Lake sequence.

So there you have it. Feel free to comment and share your own favourites with me and other readers. Oh, and just in case you're interested, 2011 has got off to a fairly healthy start with Peeping Tom on DVD and The King's Speech at the cinema.


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