Guess What... I've Got A Book Coming Out!
Okay people, I've got a scented cat that's itching to get out of its bag. For the last two years, I have been writing an anonymous perfume blog (, the success of which led to my being commissioned to write a perfume guide. It's called Le Snob: Perfume and it's due to be published in October... so if you'd like to find out more about it and - hint hint - if you'd care to pre-order a copy, please click here.
I confess I never thought that my first book would consist of mini-reviews of No 5, Shalimar and Poison, but then life delights in springing such surprises on us. It may not be an Ishiguro-esque work of fiction (wishful thinking!), but it's still a book and it'll have my name on the cover. Exciting times!