Grant More Power

If I had more time, I'd write a longer a post to express the outrage - the complete and utter red-faced spitting outrage - that overcomes me when I read articles like the ones below, but thankfully, I'm fortunate enough to be able to spend the next few days doing something much more pleasant. However, I feel duty-bound to bring these two items of 'news' to your attention, and I apologise in advance for any outrage you may experience when you click on the links. If, after reading the two pieces, you DO NOT experience any outrage, I would be very interested to hear from you.

Here they are: and

The Divine L said it best: all this is yet another example of adults' desire to shake off the responsibility that comes with being adults. For whatever reason - fear / uncertainty / the worst kind of moral relativism - we no longer seem to want to impose our voice upon children, and instead we grant more power to their half-formed, inexperienced, infantile little squeaks. And we dare to call ourselves a nation that cares about the welfare of young people.


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