
Bad news first. I didn't get through to the short list of the HappenStance Short Story Competition. But never mind, getting into the Top 25 ain't too bad.

More importantly, I have completed Draft Number 1 of The Novel. I'm not allowing myself to get manically excited about this, because I know how much more I've got to do to get to Draft Number 2... but I frequently disobey myself, so yes, a frisson of mild excitement was experienced when the final word was typed.

As this is turning into a general round-up post, I ought to mention that my children's book, The Pumpkin Seed, has also undergone a major reworking, which means it'll soon start getting shoved under people's noses. And I also got a letter from the BBC the other day about The Unchangeable Features Of Troy, a screenplay I sent to their Writersroom department. In short, they liked it, but not enough to want to take it further. However, they have asked me to send them other examples of my work, so that's something about which to come over all frisson-like too.

Time to return to the plod-mobile.


Lorraine said…
Well, I think you are quite entitled to your frissons. Not to mention, the fact that you are sometimes rejected also means that you are putting your stuff out there, which is more than some people I know can say (she said, pointing at herself and looking quite stern and disappointed). And golly gosh, the BBC wants to see more of your work? How cool is that? Well done.
Blogger said…
Thanks very much indeed. And yes, I think I agree that it is better to have submitted and been rejected than never to have submitted at all.

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